Applicable for paid subscribers

Refund Policy

Thank you for selecting Localkhoj as your business listing platform.

Thank you for selecting Localkhoj as your business listing platform. We are dedicated to delivering top-notch services to all our subscribers. Please be informed that our subscription fees are non-refundable, except in the following circumstances:
Duplicate Payment: If a duplicate payment is made for an existing record in our system, please inform us at contact@localkhoj.com or call our customer care +919321053988. The amount will be refunded within 48-78 hours.
We reserve the right to refuse any refund requests under the following conditions:
The merchant unilaterally refuses to use our services.
The merchant fails to provide business details for listing within three days from the payment date.
The merchant removes or alters any services offered after payment.
Please note that our non-refundable policy applies to all payment methods. If payment was made by credit card, no refund will be issued. Similarly, if payment was made by check, no refund will be processed.
Thank you for your understanding of our non-refundable policy. We are committed to delivering exceptional service and appreciate your partnership with Localkhoj.